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National Vision Plan: Intro | Special National Projects | 2009-12-16 08:22:07
National Vision Plan: Intro Pages 1-76
Filename: NationalVisionPlan_Intro_1-76.pdf | Size: 23.42 MB
Downloads: 20308

National Vision Plan: North East Quadrant | Special National Projects | 2009-12-15 21:31:51
National Vision Plan: North East Quadrant Pages 77-106
Filename: NationalVisionPlan_NorthEastQuadrant_77-106.pdf | Size: 11.09 MB
Downloads: 15232

National Vision Plan: Southern Quadrant | Special National Projects | 2009-12-15 21:55:34
National Vision Plan: Southern Quadrant Pages 107-160
Filename: NationalVisionPlan_SouthernQuadrant_107-160.pdf | Size: 17.06 MB
Downloads: 12499

National Vision Plan: West Central Quadrant | Special National Projects | 2009-12-16 06:57:06
National Vision Plan: West Central Quadrant Pages 161-190
Filename: NationaVisionPlan_WestCentralQuadrant_161-190.pdf | Size: 11.56 MB
Downloads: 7964

National Vision Plan: North West Quadrant | Special National Projects | 2009-12-16 07:39:17
National Vision Plan: North West Quadrant Pages 191-267
Filename: NationalVisionPlan_NorthWestQuadrant_191-267.pdf | Size: 30.37 MB
Downloads: 8348

National Vision Plan: Index | Special National Projects | 2009-12-15 20:10:10
National Vision Plan: Index Pages 268-272
Filename: NationaVisionPlan_Index_268-272.pdf | Size: 68.50 KB
Downloads: 14403

Publication of Award of Contract - Solar PV Demonstration and Scale Up Project. Procurement of Goods - Supply and Installation of Solar-Photovoltaic (PV) Array for the EU Owen King Hospital.
Filename: Publication-of-Award---Solar.pdf | Size: 1.11 MB
Downloads: 1172

Saint Lucia is a Small Island Developing State (SIDS) which faces many development challenges that include limited geographic space; an open, vulnerable economy; fragile ecosystems; limited human and institutional capacity; and vulnerability to natural phenomena, such as extreme weather, epidemics and pandemics. The onset of climate change has increased the frequency with which hydrometeorological climatic events occur with two extreme events (Hurricane Tomas, October 2010, and the Christmas Eve Trough, December 2013) striking the island within the last ten years and has also increased certain health threats. Saint Lucia developed a Strategic Programme for Climate Resilience (SPCR), funded by the Pilot Programme for Climate Resilience (PPCR), which is currently being implemented. Saint Lucia’s strategic programme areas are closely interwoven with the broader fabric of disaster risk reduction (DRR). Thus, co-financing under the PPCR is being achieved through a synergistic blend, with financial resources made available under the national and regional components of the Disaster Vulnerability Reduction Project (DVRP) which allows for up-scaling SPCR implementation activities. Two major outcomes expected from Saint Lucia’s DVRP include: 1) capacity built to identify and monitor climate risk at the national level; and, 2) reduced vulnerability of key sectors, assets and people to natural disasters 1 . The Department of Economic Development, Transport and Civil Aviation is responsible for the implementation of the DVRP while the Department of Sustainable Development and the Department of Infrastructure, Ports and Energy (DIPE) provide technical support towards implementation of the Project. The Project Coordination Unit (PCU) is responsible for the fiduciary aspects of the Project.
Filename: Enviro-Health-Information-System_Phase-2---Optimal-Design-and-Model-Requirements---WB-comments-addressed.docx | Size: 2.38 MB
Downloads: 1163

Saint Lucia is a Small Island Developing State (SIDS) which faces many development challenges that include limited geographic space; an open, vulnerable economy; fragile ecosystems; limited human and institutional capacity; and vulnerability to natural phenomena, such as extreme weather, epidemics and pandemics. The onset of climate change has increased the frequency with which hydrometeorological climatic events occur with two extreme events (Hurricane Tomas, October 2010, and the Christmas Eve Trough, December 2013) striking the island within the last ten years and has also increased certain health threats. Saint Lucia developed a Strategic Programme for Climate Resilience (SPCR), funded by the Pilot Programme for Climate Resilience (PPCR), which is currently being implemented. Saint Lucia’s strategic programme areas are closely interwoven with the broader fabric of disaster risk reduction (DRR). Thus, co-financing under the PPCR is being achieved through a synergistic blend, with financial resources made available under the national and regional components of the Disaster Vulnerability Reduction Project (DVRP) which allows for up-scaling SPCR implementation activities. Two major outcomes expected from Saint Lucia’s DVRP include: 1) capacity built to identify and monitor climate risk at the national level; and, 2) reduced vulnerability of key sectors, assets and people to natural disasters 1 . The Department of Economic Development, Transport and Civil Aviation is responsible for the implementation of the DVRP while the Department of Sustainable Development and the Department of Infrastructure, Ports and Energy (DIPE) provide technical support towards implementation of the Project. The Project Coordination Unit (PCU) is responsible for the fiduciary aspects of the Project.
Filename: Enviro-Health-Information-System_Phase-1---Debugging-and-COVID-Package---WB-comments-addressed.docx | Size: 119.41 KB
Downloads: 787

Rehabilitation of Five Wards and Other Selected Areas Victoria Hospital | Special National Projects | 2020-09-02 13:38:26
The Government of Saint Lucia (GoSL) is implementing the Disaster Vulnerability Reduction Project (DVRP) with funding from the World Bank Group (WBG). The DVRP aims to measurably reduce vulnerability to natural hazards and climate change impacts in Saint Lucia through several activities related to risk reduction and adaptation, technical assistance, financing for climate adaptation, and the Contingent Emergency Response Component (CERC). The CERC is a provisional component to finance emergency recovery and reconstruction subprojects under an agreed action plan of activities. In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the CERC was triggered and efforts are underway in Saint Lucia to acquire emergency equipment and supplies, and to enhance health emergency and disaster response efforts through small civil works such as rehabilitation of hospitals and clinics.
Filename: ESMP-Template---SLU-Victoria-Hospital-Rehab---No-Objection-Aug_Pub-Final-s.pdf | Size: 1.50 MB
Downloads: 1910

The Government of Saint Lucia (GOSL) obtained assistance from the World Bank (WB) towards the  financing of the Disaster Vulnerability Reduction Project (DVRP). The DVRP is aimed at reducing the  country’s vulnerability to natural hazards and climate change impacts such as more intense hurricanes  and storm events. This wider project is being implemented by the Department of Economic Development,  Transport and Civil Aviation through the Project Coordination Unit (PCU).    The Millet raw water intake and pipeline at Millet in Anse la Raye, in conjunction with the supply from the  John Compton Dam, is managed by the Water and Sewerage Company Incorporated (WASCO), and  contributes to the provision of potable water supply to the north of the island. This intake and pipeline  were severely damaged by Hurricane Tomas in 2010, and later by subsequent storm events. The Water  and Sewerage Company Incorporated which manages the island’s water supply has identified the  reconstruction of this Millet Intake as a priority and is the technical implementation agency responsible  for coordinating and managing this reconstruction project under the DVRP. The location of the Project  area is shown below in Figure 1 – Project Location Map.    As a precursor to the reconstruction, WASCO undertook a feasibility study which included a number of  studies, along with the preparation of detailed designs for the redevelopment of the Millet Intake. An  Environmental and Social impact assessment (ESIA) and Environmental and Social Management Plan  (ESMP) as part of this wider study along with a number of other inter‐related studies prepared under a  consultancy with by R.J. Burnside International Limited (Burnside). 
Filename: Updated-ESMP_12-Aug-2020.pdf | Size: 1.20 MB
Downloads: 1947

SAINT LUCIA: NATIONAL INFRASTRUCTURE ASSESSMENT | Special National Projects | 2020-10-27 08:05:35
This report establishes the first milestone in a partnership between the Government of Saint Lucia (GoSL), the United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS) and the University of Oxford-led Infrastructure Transitions Research Consortium (ITRC). The purpose of the report is to establish a vision for the island’s future infrastructure aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals and the Paris Agreement on climate change. Long-term demand for infrastructure services in Saint Lucia is projected to increase as it pursues economic ambitions to grow its tourism and agriculture sectors
Filename: National-Infra-Assessment-Report-2020-St-Lucia-WEB.pdf | Size: 18.54 MB
Downloads: 1261

Rehabilitation of Sidewalks on Peynier Street, Castries –Saint Lucia | Special National Projects | 2020-10-30 14:37:48
The Government of Saint Lucia has designated the City of Castries as a Tourism Product with tremendous potential to increase visitor spending. As such the improvement of the Castries City Product has been deemed a priority for Saint Lucia with investments targeted towards improving sites and attractions, as well as undertaking activities aimed at making downtown Castries more pleasant and attractive to Saint Lucian residents and tourists.
Filename: Peynier-Street-ARAP-Updated-October-15-2020.pdf | Size: 4.12 MB
Downloads: 1167

Financing has been secured from the World Bank, towards the implementation of the OECS Regional Tourism Competitiveness Project (ORTCP). The Project principally aims to improve selected tourist sites in Castries. In this regard the Government of Saint Lucia has identified the Castries City Tourism Product as a priority for Saint Lucia with targeted investment sites and activities aimed at making downtown Castries more pleasant and attractive to tourists as well as to Saint Lucian residents. Therefore, as part of the ORTCP, the Government of Saint Lucia intends to implement several investment initiatives to revitalize downtown Castries.
Filename: ESMP---Derek-Walcott-Square-.pdf | Size: 1.87 MB
Downloads: 1221

Financing has been secured from the World Bank, towards the implementation of the OECS Regional Tourism Competitiveness Project (ORTCP). The Project principally aims to improve selected tourist sites in Castries. In this regard the Government of Saint Lucia has identified the Castries City Tourism Product as a priority for Saint Lucia with targeted investment sites and activities aimed at making downtown Castries more pleasant and attractive to tourists as well as to Saint Lucian residents. Therefore, as part of the ORTCP, the Government of Saint Lucia intends to implement several investment initiatives to revitalize downtown Castries.
Filename: Derek-Walcott-Square-ESMP-updated-(Revised).pdf | Size: 1.86 MB
Downloads: 949

Financing has been secured from the World Bank, towards the implementation of the OECS Regional Tourism Competitiveness Project (ORTCP). The Project principally aims to improve selected tourist sites in Castries. In this regard the Government of Saint Lucia has identified the Castries City Tourism Product as a priority for Saint Lucia with targeted investment sites and activities aimed at making downtown Castries more pleasant and attractive to tourists as well as to Saint Lucian residents. Therefore, as part of the ORTCP, the Government of Saint Lucia intends to implement several investment initiatives to revitalize downtown Castries.
Filename: Derek-Walcott-Square-ESMP-updated-(Revised).pdf | Size: 1.86 MB
Downloads: 986

Financing has been secured from the World Bank, towards the implementation of the OECS Regional Tourism Competitiveness Project (ORTCP). The Project principally aims to improve selected tourist sites in Castries. In this regard the Government of Saint Lucia has identified the Castries City Tourism Product as a priority for Saint Lucia with targeted investment sites and activities aimed at making downtown Castries more pleasant and attractive to tourists as well as to Saint Lucian residents. Therefore, as part of the ORTCP, the Government of Saint Lucia intends to implement several investment initiatives to revitalize downtown Castries.
Filename: Derek-Walcott-Square-ESMP-WB-Feb-2021.pdf | Size: 1.85 MB
Downloads: 1444

Financing has been secured from the World Bank, towards the implementation of the OECS Regional Tourism Competitiveness Project (ORTCP). The Project principally aims to improve selected tourist sites in Castries. In this regard the Government of Saint Lucia (GoSL) has identified the Castries City Tourism Product as a priority for Saint Lucia with targeted investment sites and activities aimed at making downtown Castries more pleasant and attractive to tourists as well as to Saint Lucian residents. Therefore, as part of the ORTCP, the Government of Saint Lucia intends to implement several investment initiatives to revitalize downtown Castries. In keeping with this intention, the GoSL has prioritized the Castries Market and its environs as a pull factor with tremendous potential to increase the number of visitors in the Castries city centre. Notwithstanding its potential, the GoSL has recognized that in order to fully leverage the opportunities for increased visitation by both locals and visitors, the Castries Market needs to be revitalized in order to become one of the city’s most visited spots.
Filename: Castries-Market-Redevelopment--ESMP-February-16-2021_final__LNN_WB.pdf | Size: 2.74 MB
Downloads: 2090

The scope of the project is to demolish the existing Marketing Board building to accommodate the proposed Box Park building. The building to be demolished is a single storey concrete framed and blockwork building, with a flat concrete roof. Due to the size and height of the structure, it is anticipated that the building can be demolished without the use of implosion, or explosive means, but rather by the use of excavators and jack hammers, which will reduce the level of vibration required.
Filename: Marketing-Board-Building-Demolition_ESMP_final_April-23-2021.pdf | Size: 3.74 MB
Downloads: 1917

ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL MANAGEMENT PLAN GROS ISLET PARK | Special National Projects | 2021-10-01 01:47:00
The aim of the project is to create proper recreational space on the southern side of Pigeon Island to compliment the Village Tourism activities in the village and to allow for the hosting of large events such as the St. Lucia Jazz Festival. The project will construct vending booths that will house several vending stalls, a playground, comfort station, entertainment area and an administrative building. There will also be proper walkways, boardwalk, access road to booths and outdoor seating. Including this project in the portfolio of projects will make a significant contribution to the development of cultural and community tourism in the town of Gros Islet.
Downloads: 1496

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