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Appropriation Act No. 18 of 2011 | Legal Instruments | 2011-09-29 06:56:36
Appropriation Act No. 18 of 2011
Filename: Appropriation_Act_18_2011.pdf | Size: 70.14 KB
Downloads: 3313

The Department of Finance is preparing for the implementation of the Procurement and Asset Disposal Act No. 19 of 2015. The Procurement & Asset Disposal Act will repeal the Procurement and Stores Regulations (Statutory Instrument No. 37 of 1997).
Filename: Public-Procurement-and-Asset-Disposal-Act--No.19-of-2015.pdf | Size: 456.91 KB
Downloads: 1749

Public Finance Management Bill | Legal Instruments | 2020-08-03 20:45:42
This is to provide for public finance management, for the establishment of a Contingencies Fund, Sinking Fund, special fund or trust fund, the execution of appropriations, the oversight of statutory bodies and for related matters.
Filename: PFM-Final.pdf | Size: 262.23 KB
Downloads: 3681

SECURITY INTERESTS IN MOVABLE PROPERTY BILL | Legal Instruments | 2020-10-26 13:32:14
An act to govern security interests in movable property.
Filename: StLucia_STCR_Bill_Revised-Text-16-April-2020-revised-30-July-2020-1b-(1)-(1).docx | Size: 164.25 KB
Downloads: 1436

BANKRUPTCY AND INSOLVENCY BILL, 20[ ] | Legal Instruments | 2020-10-26 13:34:05
AN ACT to repeal Title IX on bankruptcy of the Commercial Code, Cap. 13.31 and make new provisions for the regulation of insolvency, for corporate and individual insolvency, to provide for the rehabilitation of the insolvent debtor, to create the office of Supervisor of Insolvency and for related matters.
Filename: St-Lucia-Draft-BIA-Review_Drafting-Session-July-2020-(1).doc | Size: 814.50 KB
Downloads: 1591

Act #19 of 2015 | Legal Instruments | 2021-05-17 15:16:40
Act #19 of 2015
Filename: Act-_-19-of-2015.pdf | Size: 456.91 KB
Downloads: 1297

Procurement Amendment Act | Legal Instruments | 2021-05-17 15:18:47
Procurement Amendment Act
Filename: Procurement-Amendment-Act.pdf | Size: 445.25 KB
Downloads: 1574

Draft Public Procurement Regulations 2021 | Legal Instruments | 2021-05-17 15:19:34
Draft Public Procurement Regulations 2021
Filename: Draft-Public-Procurement-Regulations-2021.pdf | Size: 985.89 KB
Downloads: 2383

Public Debt Management Bill | Legal Instruments | 2022-06-17 21:15:08
The purpose of the Bill is to consolidate and modernize the laws relating to debt management by providing for the administration of public debt management; a Medium-Term Debt Management Strategy; Public Debt Sustainability Analysis; Government borrowings, guarantees, on-lending; and to reduce multiple issuers of debt and ensure sound financial policies in relation to the management of public debt.
Filename: PUBLIC-DEBT-MANAGEMENT-BILL-Indesign-4-June-2.pdf | Size: 295.85 KB
Downloads: 762

Public Finance Management Regulations | Legal Instruments | 2023-05-31 11:28:42
Public Finance Management Regulations
Filename: Extraordinary-Gazette-Monday-May-22nd,-2023.pdf | Size: 25.87 MB
Downloads: 630

PUBLIC PROCUREMENT ACT | Legal Instruments | 2023-06-19 10:15:09
PUBLIC PROCUREMENT AND ASSET DISPOSAL ACT AN ACT to regulate and provide for the procedures to be applied in the public procurement of goods, works and services, for the public procurement of projects under a public-private partnership, for the institutions responsible for those matters and related matters. (Amended by Act 13 of 2020)
Filename: Public-Procurement-Act---Cap.15.10.pdf | Size: 441.10 KB
Downloads: 876

Public Procurement Regulations | Legal Instruments | 2023-06-19 10:17:08
STATUTORY INSTRUMENT, 2023, No. In exercise of the power conferred under section 120 of the Public Procurement Act, Cap. 15.10, the Minister responsible for finance makes these Regulations:
Filename: Public-Procurement-Regulations_March-2023.pdf | Size: 311.59 KB
Downloads: 463

These Regulations may be cited as the Public Procurement Regulations, 2023.
Filename: Extraordinary-Gazette-Tuesday-October-10th,-2023---procurement-regulations.pdf | Size: 373.81 KB
Downloads: 946

Public Debt Management Act No. 22 of 2023 | Legal Instruments | 2023-11-03 07:00:35
This is an act to consolidate and modernize the laws relating to debt management by providing for the administration of public debt management; a Medium-Term Debt Management Strategy; a Public Debt Sustainability Analysis; Government borrowings, guarantees, onlending; and to reduce multiple issuers of debt and ensure sound financial policies in relation to the management of public debt and related matters.
Filename: Extraordinary-Gazette-Monday-October-9th,-2023.pdf | Size: 373.38 KB
Downloads: 1083

Extraodinary Gazette - July 29 2024 | Legal Instruments | 2024-08-02 14:15:48
Pursuant to Sections 11-22 of the Public Procurement Act Cap.15.10 of the Revised Laws of Saint Lucia, and as per powers of the Minister for Finance under section 14(2), the following have been appointed to serve on the Central Public Procurement Board for a period of three years effective June 01, 2024 to May 31, 2027:
Filename: extra-ordinary-gazette,-july-29,-2024--CPPB.pdf | Size: 178.22 KB
Downloads: 363

Insolvency Legislation | Legal Instruments | 2024-09-18 15:53:36
The Parliament of Saint Lucia has finally passed the Insolvency Legislation, which has been in the making for the past 10 years. This legislation will modernize the credit sector in Saint Lucia and provide protection and benefits for both creditors and debtors.
Filename: Insolvency-legislation-.jpg | Size: 118.59 KB
Downloads: 211