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THE CITIZEN'S GUIDE TO THE 2023-2024 BUDGET | Publications | 2023-09-01 10:24:52
The objective of the Citizen's Guide to the Budget is to present to the wider public a simplified, easy-to-read version of the budget without the technical terms. The intention of the guide is to help raise awareness of the general public in relation to the budget that was tabled in Parliament. It is expected that this guide will help more citizens understand the information and plans that have been presented and expected to take place over the financial year (April 2023 - March 2024).
Filename: The-Citizen's-Guide-to-the-2023-2024-Budget.pdf | Size: 15.91 MB
Downloads: 1758

Debt Statistical Bulletin January - March 2023 | Publications | 2023-09-26 11:00:06
This Public Debt Statistical Bulletin issue provides a statistical overview of the public debt portfolio for the first quarter (January - March) of 2023, contrasting the current quarter with the previous four quarters. The scope of the public debt bulletin is central government debt and government-guaranteed debt.
Filename: Debt-Bulletin-March-2023.pdf | Size: 503.77 KB
Downloads: 531

Public Debt Statistical Bulletin April - June 2023 | Publications | 2023-09-26 11:03:41
This public debt statistical bulletin issue provides a statistical overview of the public debt portfolio for the second quarter (April - June) of 2023, contrasting the current quarter with the previous four quarters. The scope of the public debt bulletin is central government debt and government-guaranteed debt.
Filename: Debt-Bulletin-June-2023.pdf | Size: 511.83 KB
Downloads: 687

The Project Development Objective (PDO) is to improve the statistical capacity of Participating Eastern Caribbean countries (i) to produce and publicly disseminate statistical data for country and regional level analytics; and (ii) to provide immediate and effective response to an Eligible Crisis Emergency.
Filename: OECS-DDM-Grievance-Mechanism-Final.pdf | Size: 477.08 KB
Downloads: 546

2023 ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL REVIEW | Publications | 2024-04-29 16:07:03
Following a strong rebound in 2021 from COVID-19 induced economic lows, global GDP growth in 2023 decelerated on account of tighter monetary policy to reduce inflation and spillovers from multiple crises including the continued war in Ukraine and the Israel-Hamas conflict in the Middle East. After a sharp slowdown in 2022, global growth is estimated to have slowed from 3.5 percent in 2022 to 3.1 percent in 2023, well below the historical average of 3.8 percent during 2000-2019. .....DOWNLOAD FOR MORE
Filename: ISR2023.pdf | Size: 3.56 MB
Downloads: 219

2023 ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL REVIEW | Publications | 2024-04-30 08:47:24
Following a strong rebound in 2021 from COVID-19 induced economic lows, global GDP growth in 2023 decelerated on account of tighter monetary policy to reduce inflation and spillovers from multiple crises including the continued war in Ukraine and the Israel-Hamas conflict in the Middle East. After a sharp slowdown in 2022, global growth is estimated to have slowed from 3.5 percent in 2022 to 3.1 percent in 2023, well below the historical average of 3.8 percent during 2000-2019. The global rebound in services is almost complete with the recovery in tourism maturing. DOWNLOAD FOR FULL PUBLICATION...
Filename: Economic-and-Social-Review-2023.pdf | Size: 3.62 MB
Downloads: 1527

GOSL Annual Debt Portfolio Report 2023 | Publications | 2024-05-09 11:10:48
The main objective of Saint Lucia's public debt management is meeting Government financing requirements at a minimum cost with a prudent degree of risk. In keeping with this objective, the Ministry of Finance, Economic Development, and Youth Economy are committed to pursuing a debt management strategy to fulfil this objective. The Debt and Investment Unit of the Department of Finance is the primary agent responsible for managing the public debt portfolio. This issue of the Annual Debt Portfolio Review (DPR) analyses the Government of Saint Lucia's debt stock, flows, and risk over the year (January - December) of 2023, debt management operations in 2023, and trend analysis of portfolio changes comparing the previous five years 2019-2023. The composition and the risks embedded in the debt portfolio form the core of this review. The details of debt holders by residency, creditor categories, instrument types, currency composition, maturity profile, and types of risks are in this report. The risk indicators examined include exchange rate, interest rate, and refinancing risks (the average time to maturity and the average time to re-fixing). This report also reports the maturity profile of the central government debt over the next decade and examines the fiscal and debt sustainability indicators of the Government of Saint Lucia over the previous five years. The scope of the DPR is total public debt comprising central government debt and contingent liability debt.
Filename: Debt-Portfolio-Review-2023.pdf | Size: 903.49 KB
Downloads: 429

GOSL Medium Term Debt Management Strategy 2024 - 2027 | Publications | 2024-05-09 11:25:03
The primary debt management objective of the Government of Saint Lucia is to secure stable and consistent levels of financing for the budget while fulfilling payment obligations at minimal cost, within prudent risk thresholds. The Medium-Term Debt Strategy (MTDS) outlines funding sources guiding government borrowing activities. The strategy document is updated annually to enhance transparency, borrowing predictability, and bolster public debt management capabilities. The GOSL continues to procure funds from conventional channels like the RGSM and domestic financial institutions. However, accessing low-risk, low-cost debt financing remains challenging globally, compounded by slow regional economic growth, heightened fiscal pressures, and increased debt expansion amid ongoing global events. The timeline of this MTDS spans three years, from FY2024/25 to FY2026/27, with annual updates to evaluate metrics and incorporate any changes in macroeconomic, fiscal, and debt management policies. Debt categorization in the MTDS distinguishes between domestic debt, denominated in XCD, and external debt, denominated in various foreign currencies (USD, EUR, SDR, and KWD). The analysis scope encompasses Central Government debt, with government-guaranteed debt in the public debt portfolio representing a negligible 6.1 percent (as of December 2023), posing minimal risk to the portfolio's composition.
Filename: 2024-2027-SLU-MTDS-Revised.pdf | Size: 658.80 KB
Downloads: 387

The Ministry of Tourism recognizes the importance of sales skills in enhancing the competitiveness of vendors within the tourism industry. To address this need, the Ministry is seeking a qualified organization or consultant to conduct a comprehensive training program aimed at equipping participants with the necessary skills and knowledge to increase their sales.
Filename: TOR-for-Sales-Training-to-Vendors.pdf | Size: 125.78 KB
Downloads: 370

Quarterly Debt Bulletin- March 2024 | Publications | 2024-05-29 13:16:02
Bulletin is published by the Debt Unit in the Ministry of Finance
Filename: Debt-Bulletin-March-2024-rev(1).pdf | Size: 964.55 KB
Downloads: 384

Environmental and Social Management Framework | Publications | 2024-06-25 09:32:24
This SEP establishes the purpose and methods of engagement and information disclosure during implementation of the UBEC program. The SEP serves as a guide to the Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS) and OECS member states participating in UBEC (Grenada, Saint Lucia and Saint Vincent and the Grenadines – in the first phase of the UBEC project) in ensuring that stakeholder engagement and transparency occur at all stages of project implementation.
Filename: UBEC-Environmental-and-Social-Management-Framework--June-24.docx | Size: 2.42 MB
Downloads: 260

Labour Management Procedures (LMP) | Publications | 2024-06-25 09:35:16
Labour Management Procedures (LMP) for the World Bank Unleashing the Blue Economy of the Caribbean (UBEC) program set out the approach to meeting the objectives and requirements set forth in the World Banks’s Environmental and Social Framework (ESF), specifically the objectives and requirements of Environmental and Social Standards 2 (ESS2).
Filename: UBEC-Labour-Management-Procedures-June-2024.docx | Size: 151.83 KB
Downloads: 294

Resettlement Policy and Process Framework (RPF) | Publications | 2024-06-25 09:36:59
The purpose of the RPF is to clarify resettlement principles, organizational arrangements and design criteria which will be applied to project components and sub-components during implementation. An RPF is required as the UBEC program includes a number of activities with the potential to adversely impact livelihoods and/or result in the need for resettlement.
Filename: UBEC-Resettlement-Policy-Framework-June-2024.docx | Size: 181.90 KB
Downloads: 291

Stakeholder Engagement Plan | Publications | 2024-06-25 09:38:32
This SEP establishes the purpose and methods of engagement and information disclosure during implementation of the UBEC program. The SEP serves as a guide to the Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS) and OECS member states participating in UBEC (Grenada, Saint Lucia and Saint Vincent and the Grenadines – in the first phase of the UBEC project) in ensuring that stakeholder engagement and transparency occur at all stages of project implementation.
Filename: UBEC-Stakeholder-Engagement-Plan-June-2024.docx | Size: 2.70 MB
Downloads: 210

Items and estimates listed in this plan are subject to change at the discretion of the procuring entity. Please contact relevant departments for additional details.
Filename: Consolidated-Procurment-Plan-2024-25.pdf | Size: 261.43 KB
Downloads: 248

2024-2025 Estimates of Revenue & Expenditure | Publications | 2024-08-22 17:07:05
The Estimates of Revenue and Expenditure represents the financial plans of the Government for the fiscal year - 2024-2025. It outlines the revenues to be collected and sets the limits for expenditure. The Estimates of Revenue and Expenditure conforms to the Public Finance Management (PFM) Act, number 14 of 2020 which is the authority governing the preparation and submission to Parliament.
Filename: estimates-2024-2025.pdf | Size: 12.73 MB
Downloads: 1044

Quarterly Debt bulletin - June 2024 | Publications | 2024-09-03 14:22:29
The Debt and Investment Management Unit (DIU) in the Ministry of Finance, Economic Development, and Youth Economy is the Government of Saint Lucia's primary agent responsible for managing Saint Lucia's public debt. The dissemination of timely, consistent, comprehensive, and reliable public debt statistics represents a vital element of the government's commitment to promoting accountability and transparency in debt management activities. The main objective of publishing this bulletin is to provide the public with relevant information and data regarding the country's domestic and external debt position. The Commonwealth Secretariat Meridian Database System (Meridian) records loan agreements, produces aggregate data, reports on public sector debt and generates the data used in this report. This public debt statistical bulletin issue provides a statistical overview of the public debt portfolio for the second quarter (April - June) of 2024, contrasting the current quarter with the previous four quarters. The scope of the public debt bulletin is central government debt and governmentguaranteed debt. Address all correspondence relating to the Public Debt Statistical Bulletin to: Deputy Director of Finance – Debt & Investment Debt & Investment Management Unit Department of Finance, Pointe Seraphine, Castries, Saint Lucia Email: Tel: (758) 468-5536 (758) 468-5548
Filename: June-2024-Debt-Bulletin-(New)-(1).pdf | Size: 844.37 KB
Downloads: 355

Quarterly debt Bulleting - Sept 2024 | Publications | 2024-12-02 05:57:06
The Debt and Investment Management Unit (DIU) in the Ministry of Finance, Economic Development, and Youth Economy is the Government of Saint Lucia's primary agent responsible for managing Saint Lucia's public debt. The dissemination of timely, consistent, comprehensive, and reliable public debt statistics represents a vital element of the government's commitment to promoting accountability and transparency in debt management activities.
Filename: September-2024-Debt-Bulletin.pdf | Size: 953.73 KB
Downloads: 144

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