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Saint Lucia - The Cyclically Adjusted Balance [PowerPoint Presentation]
Filename: CAP-Presentation-Final-ppp.pdf | Size: 838.15 KB
Downloads: 1443

Explaining the Saint Lucia Housing Deficit | Publications | 2017-02-03 08:09:37
Explaining the Housing Deficit in Saint Lucia
Filename: Explaining-the-St-Lucian-Housing-Deficit.pdf | Size: 290.56 KB
Downloads: 4620

Explaining the Housing Deficit in Saint Lucia [PowerPoint Presentation]
Filename: Explaining-the-Housing-Deficit-in-Saint-Lucia-PPT.pdf | Size: 703.74 KB
Downloads: 2095

Caribbean Growth Forum [CGF] - Newsletter Issue 1 | Publications | 2017-02-09 06:41:45
Caribbean Growth Forum [CGF] - Newsletter Issue 1
Filename: CGF-Newsletter-Issue-#1.pdf | Size: 847.53 KB
Downloads: 1628

Saint Lucia Productivity Summary Report 2000-2015 | Publications | 2017-03-02 12:27:44
Saint Lucia Productivity Summary Report 2000-2015
Filename: saint-lucia-productivity-study-summary-2000-2015.pdf | Size: 1.49 MB
Downloads: 3717

Tourism is the largest source of foreign exchange to Saint Lucia and has a substantial direct and indirect impact on economic activity. Consequently, identifying what drives the demand for the Saint Lucian product is crucial in assessing future sector performance. More specifically, a robust understanding of the determinants of tourism demand to St. Lucia can ensure consistency with marketing regimes and provide avenues for industry stakeholders to remain competitive and achieve a sustainable sector. This piece therefore intends to model tourist arrivals, by main source market, in an econometric VAR. The VAR estimated results generated indicated that the income variables explained more of the variation in US stay-over arrivals, whereas the price variables were found to better explain the disparity in the levels of UK and Canadian stay-over arrivals to Saint Lucia.
Filename: An-Investigation-of-the-Determinants-of-Tourism-Demand-to-Saint-Lucia.pdf | Size: 968.19 KB
Downloads: 6983

Economic & Social Review 2016 | Publications | 2017-04-28 12:43:08
Economic & Social Review 2016
Filename: Economic-&-Social-Review-2016.pdf | Size: 4.57 MB
Downloads: 6347

Estimates of Expenditure 2017 - 2018 | Publications | 2017-06-28 08:04:25
Saint Lucia Estimates of Expenditure for period 2017 - 2018
Filename: Draft-Estimates-2017-18.pdf | Size: 3.36 MB
Downloads: 7960

Economic and Social Review 2017 | Publications | 2018-03-05 15:44:26
Government of Saint Lucia - 2017 Economic and Social Review
Filename: Economic-and-Social-Review-2017.pdf | Size: 6.65 MB
Downloads: 8112

Estimates of Revenue and Expenditure 2018-2019 | Publications | 2018-03-26 15:44:28
The Estimates of Revenue and Expenditure provides details of the main thrust of the budget deliverables, and attempts to link the policy choices that government makes with the services that are to be delivered to the citizens.
Filename: Draft-Estimates--of-Revenue-and-Expenditure-2018-19.pdf | Size: 4.72 MB
Downloads: 8491

Newsletter - OECS Regional Tourism Competitiveness Project - April 2018
Filename: Newsletter---OECS-Regional-Tourism-Competitiveness-Project.pdf | Size: 3.59 MB
Downloads: 2189

The Tourism Value Chain (TVC) analysis has identified gaps and opportunities which can build competitiveness in Saint Lucia. Stakeholders across the Tourism Value Chain have an important role to play in building competitiveness. Consultation with the public and private sectors in these “links” has resulted in the identification of opportunities for building competitiveness.
Filename: St-Lucia-Strategy-and-Action-Plan-Report_14June13_CC-(2)-(2).pdf | Size: 7.22 MB
Downloads: 10296

Economic and Social Review 2018 | Publications | 2019-03-28 09:18:57
Government of Saint Lucia - 2018 Economic and Social Review
Filename: Economic-and-Social-Review-2018.pdf | Size: 4.97 MB
Downloads: 4419

Research & Policy Unit 2018 Symposium Presentations | Publications | 2019-03-28 14:29:13
Research & Policy Poster Presentations from the 2018 NCPC Symposium.
Filename: Research-&-Policy-Unit-Poster-Presentations.pdf | Size: 6.03 MB
Downloads: 1750

Estimates of Revenue and Expenditure 2019-2020 | Publications | 2019-07-17 13:21:02
The 2019-2020 Budget Estimates represents the financial plan for the fiscal year and provides an overview of the revenue projections, expenditure intentions and service delivery commitments of all of ministries and departments.
Filename: 2019---2020-Estimates-of-Revenue-and-Expenditure.pdf | Size: 7.22 MB
Downloads: 2851

Finance Administrative Centre Conference Facility | Publications | 2019-08-23 10:58:02
New cost associated with the rental/reservation the Conference Facility at the Finance Administrative Centre.
Filename: New-Form-for-Use-of-FAC-Conference-Room-Ext.pdf | Size: 518.13 KB
Downloads: 1086

Economic and Social Review 2019 | Publications | 2020-04-17 14:33:05
Government of Saint Lucia - 2019 Economic and Social Review
Filename: Economic-and-Social-Review-2019.pdf | Size: 1.93 MB
Downloads: 3217

Research and Policy Unit 2019 Symposium Presentations | Publications | 2020-04-17 14:38:12
Research and Policy Unit’s Research Symposium 2019
Filename: 2019-Research-Symposium.pdf | Size: 41.78 MB
Downloads: 822

Estimates of Revenue and Expenditure 2020-2021 | Publications | 2020-06-16 19:08:16
The 2020-2021 Budget Estimates represents the financial plan for the fiscal year and provides an overview of the revenue projections, expenditure intentions and service delivery commitments of all of ministries and departments.
Filename: Draft-Estimates-2020-2021.pdf | Size: 14.29 MB
Downloads: 2856

Bridge Street is among one of many key streets in the city of Castries, and can be described as bearing significant history, having hosted for over 6 decades, the General Post Office (GPO), in addition to three of Saint Lucia’s indigenous Banks, namely, the Saint Lucia Development Bank, the First National Bank, and the Bank of Saint Lucia. The Street runs from East to West from the bottom of Morne Fortune, all the way to its junction with Jeremie Street, and serves many intersections that run north to South within the city. It is currently a two-way street from its junction with Jeremie Street, up to its junction with Brazil Street after which the traffic flows in one direction, towards the bottom of Morne Fortune, and out of the city. The street contains sidewalks on either sides, and facilitates the movement of pedestrians with little constraint. In addition to five financial institutions, and Police Headquarters that are located on Bridge Street, it is also well known for many shops, offices and other commercial entities, including two pharmacies and one in-door shopping mall. As part of plans to beautify and enhance Castries under the OECS Regional Tourism Competitiveness Project (ORTCP), the government of Saint Lucia will rehabilitate sidewalks on seven Streets in downtown Castries.
Filename: Rehabilitation-of-Sidewalks-on-Bridge-Street,-Castries-–-Saint-Lucia.pdf | Size: 1.76 MB
Downloads: 2195

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