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Extraodinary Gazette - July 29 2024 | Legal Instruments | 2024-08-02 14:15:48
Pursuant to Sections 11-22 of the Public Procurement Act Cap.15.10 of the Revised Laws of Saint Lucia, and as per powers of the Minister for Finance under section 14(2), the following have been appointed to serve on the Central Public Procurement Board for a period of three years effective June 01, 2024 to May 31, 2027:
Filename: extra-ordinary-gazette,-july-29,-2024--CPPB.pdf | Size: 178.22 KB
Downloads: 390

Stakeholder Engagement Plan | Publications | 2024-06-25 09:38:32
This SEP establishes the purpose and methods of engagement and information disclosure during implementation of the UBEC program. The SEP serves as a guide to the Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS) and OECS member states participating in UBEC (Grenada, Saint Lucia and Saint Vincent and the Grenadines – in the first phase of the UBEC project) in ensuring that stakeholder engagement and transparency occur at all stages of project implementation.
Filename: UBEC-Stakeholder-Engagement-Plan-June-2024.docx | Size: 2.70 MB
Downloads: 213

Resettlement Policy and Process Framework (RPF) | Publications | 2024-06-25 09:36:59
The purpose of the RPF is to clarify resettlement principles, organizational arrangements and design criteria which will be applied to project components and sub-components during implementation. An RPF is required as the UBEC program includes a number of activities with the potential to adversely impact livelihoods and/or result in the need for resettlement.
Filename: UBEC-Resettlement-Policy-Framework-June-2024.docx | Size: 181.90 KB
Downloads: 298

Labour Management Procedures (LMP) | Publications | 2024-06-25 09:35:16
Labour Management Procedures (LMP) for the World Bank Unleashing the Blue Economy of the Caribbean (UBEC) program set out the approach to meeting the objectives and requirements set forth in the World Banks’s Environmental and Social Framework (ESF), specifically the objectives and requirements of Environmental and Social Standards 2 (ESS2).
Filename: UBEC-Labour-Management-Procedures-June-2024.docx | Size: 151.83 KB
Downloads: 297

Environmental and Social Management Framework | Publications | 2024-06-25 09:32:24
This SEP establishes the purpose and methods of engagement and information disclosure during implementation of the UBEC program. The SEP serves as a guide to the Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS) and OECS member states participating in UBEC (Grenada, Saint Lucia and Saint Vincent and the Grenadines – in the first phase of the UBEC project) in ensuring that stakeholder engagement and transparency occur at all stages of project implementation.
Filename: UBEC-Environmental-and-Social-Management-Framework--June-24.docx | Size: 2.42 MB
Downloads: 263

Quarterly Debt Bulletin- March 2024 | Publications | 2024-05-29 13:16:02
Bulletin is published by the Debt Unit in the Ministry of Finance
Filename: Debt-Bulletin-March-2024-rev(1).pdf | Size: 964.55 KB
Downloads: 388

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