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The 2022-23 Estimates of Revenue and Expenditure lays out the annual spending plans, projected revenue collections and programme performance information of all government departments. The Budget Estimates is structured by organizational segments namely, Department, Division, Cost Centre, Programme and Sub-programme. These segments are reflected in the schedules for Revenue (Recurrent & Capital), Operating, Non-Project Capital and Project Expenditure. A notable change in the classification is the treatment of Principal Repayments as Capital Expenditure, which is in keeping with the new Chart of Accounts.
Filename: Draft-Estimates-of-Revenue-and-Expenditure-2022-2023.pdf | Size: 19.11 MB
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ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL COMMITMENT PLAN (ESCP) | General Information | 2022-04-19 16:35:56
Saint Lucia shall implement the OECS Data for Decision Making Project (the Project), with the involvement of its Ministry for Finance, Economic Development and the Youth Economy (MoFED). The International Development Association (hereinafter referred to as the Association), has agreed to provide financing for the Project.
Filename: Saint-Lucia-negotiated-ESCP---OECS-DDM-P174986-(April-7-2022).pdf | Size: 221.47 KB
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THE PUBLIC PROCUREMENT MANUAL | General Information | 2022-03-24 15:52:14
The Revised Treaty of Chaguaramas establishing the Caribbean Community including the CARICOM Single Market and Economy was signed by the Heads of Government of the Caribbean Community on July 5, 2001. The Revised Treaty provides overarching justification for the establishment and implementation of a regional Public Procurement regime. In Article 239 of the Revised Treaty Member States agreed to “elaborate a Protocol relatinginter alia to government procurement”.
Filename: Procurement-Manual-v.-4-28.09---Revised-Version-2020----Rev-2-(95-Spec-COTED).pdf | Size: 663.46 KB
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The Community Protocol on Public Procurement identified a number of areas where common rules, standards, norms and guidelines should be established to improve efficiency and transparency in public procurement in the Community.
Filename: Att.-I-to-Item-4---Framework-Rules-and-Procedure.pdf | Size: 290.29 KB
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Filename: UBEC-ESCP-SLU-(18-MAR-22).docx | Size: 84.03 KB
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Labour Management Procedures (LMP) | Special National Projects | 2022-01-12 21:00:53
Labour Management Procedures (LMP) for the World Bank Unleashing the Blue Economy of the Caribbean (UBEC) program set out the approach to meeting the objectives and requirements set forth in the World Banks’s Environmental and Social Framework (ESF), specifically the objectives and requirements of Environmental and Social Standards 2 (ESS2): Labour and Working Conditions and Occupational Health and Safety ESS2 is designed to ensure World Bank-financed projects meet with the following six objectives: 1. Promote safety and health at work; 2. Promote the fair treatment, non-discrimination, and equal opportunity of project workers; 3. Protect project workers, including vulnerable workers such as women, persons with disabilities, children (of working age, in accordance with this ESS) and directly-hired workers, contracted workers, primary supply workers, and community workers, as appropriate; 4. Prevent the use of all forms of forced labour and child labour; 5. Support the principles of freedom of association and collective bargaining of project workers in a manner consistent with national law; and, 6. Provide project workers with accessible means to raise workplace concerns.
Filename: UBEC_LMP_6Jan2022-clean[1].docx | Size: 153.69 KB
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