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Regional Government Securities Market (RGSM) Proposed Schedule of Securities for Calendar Year 2016.
Filename: ECCBLIB-#427199-v78-RDCC__Regional_Calendar_of_Issues_for_Publication.pdf | Size: 65.31 KB
Downloads: 2735

Mapping of Child Well-being in Saint Lucia | Reports | 2016-12-16 08:22:32
Mapping of Child Well-being in Saint Lucia
Filename: Mapping_of_Child_well-being_in_Saint_Lucia_PRINT_high.pdf | Size: 15.05 MB
Downloads: 1331

Fiscal Space Social Protection Floor | Reports | 2016-12-16 08:25:35
Fiscal Space Social Protection Floor
Filename: Fiscal_Space_Social_Protection_Floor_Saint_Lucia_PRINT_high(1).pdf | Size: 16.48 MB
Downloads: 1314

Budget Analysis Investment In Chikdren | Reports | 2016-12-16 08:31:49
Budget Analysis Investment In Chikdren
Filename: Budget_Analysis_Investments_in_Children_in_Sait-Lucia_PRINT_high(1).pdf | Size: 13.88 MB
Downloads: 2097

Golder Report - John Compton Dam Rehabilitation Plan - Submitted to WASCO - Sep 2015
Filename: Golder-Report.pdf | Size: 49.65 MB
Downloads: 998

Hydraulic assessment for flood risk assessment in Soufrière, Fond St Jacques and Dennery Report # 1: Site characterization, Flood Hazard and Vulnerability Analysis Version 2
Filename: Report-#1-v2.pdf | Size: 16.78 MB
Downloads: 792

Hydraulic assessment for flood risk assessment in Soufrière, Fond St Jacques and Dennery Report # 2: Drainage Designs Standards and Flood Risk Mapping Version 1
Filename: Report-#2--v1-optimized.pdf | Size: 97.16 MB
Downloads: 1028

Hydraulic assessment for flood risk assessment in Soufrière, Fond St Jacques and Dennery Report # 3: River and Drainage options report Version 1
Filename: Report-#3-v1.pdf | Size: 6.42 MB
Downloads: 1995

Castries Vision 2030 Report | Reports | 2020-03-26 17:12:23
The Castries Vision 2030 aims to revive the 2008 National Vision for the Castries district, one of the four quadrants of the island-wide vision. The Castries Vision 2030 reviews the 2008 vision through the lens of international policy agreements such as the Sustainable Development Goals 2030, the Paris Climate Accord and the New Urban Agenda (NUA) – see Box 1.1 for more information on the National Vision Plan 2008 and Box 1.2 on the guiding international policy frameworks. It also adapts the 2008 Vision to the reality of not only today, but also tomorrow.
Filename: Full-Magazine-Castries-Vision-2030-Sept.2019.pdf | Size: 28.80 MB
Downloads: 1509

Riverbank Rehabilitation Plan of 2008/2009 | Reports | 2020-10-21 12:43:19
Agricultural Consultancy and Technical Services Limited (AGRICO Ltd.) was contracted by the Government of Saint Lucia (GOSL) through the Department of Forestry, under the EU Special Framework of Assistance (SFA) 2003 programme, Economic and Agricultural Diversification and Poverty Reduction through Integrated Natural Resources Management, to develop a rapid assessment methodology for the physical assessment of the current status/ condition of targeted rivers1 and to make recommendations and formulate an action plan that will be required for an extensive “RIVERBANK REHABILITATION AND PROTECTION” programme. The assessment is to adopt an economic, social and ecological approach towards the conservation and protection of the rivers, riverbanks, water resources and associated natural landscapes. The assignment was undertaken over the period April to August 2008 and the tasks encompassed the following, with the outcome of the first two components being the focus of this Riverbank Assessment Report:
Filename: Riverbank-Rehabilitation-Plan-of-2008_2009.pdf | Size: 4.31 MB
Downloads: 1849

Debt Portfolio Review

The main objective of Saint Lucia’s public debt management is to meet Government financing requirements at a minimum cost with a prudent degree of risk. In keeping with this objective, the Government through the Ministry of Finance, Economic Growth, Job Creation, External Affairs and Public Service is committed to pursuing a debt management strategy aimed at fulfilling this objective. The Debt and Investment Unit (DIU) is the Government of Saint Lucia’s primary agent responsible for managing the country’s public debt.

Filename: Debt-Portfolio-Review-2019.pdf | Size: 1.23 MB
Downloads: 1009

Government of Saint Lucia Debt Bulletin 2020 | Reports | 2020-11-24 15:19:19

Debt Bulletin

The Debt and Investment Unit (DIU) in the Ministry of Finance, Economic Growth, Job Creation, External Affairs and Public Service is the Government of Saint Lucia’s primary agent responsible for managing the country’s public debt. This issue of the Public Debt Bulletin covers the second quarter (April -June) of 2020 with comparisons to the previous quarter and the corresponding quarter of the previous year. For the purposes of the debt bulletin, debt is classified according to the residency of the creditors represented in the debt portfolio not the currency profile. Thus, domestic debt can include foreign currency debt.

Filename: Debt-Bulletin-June-2020.pdf | Size: 737.83 KB
Downloads: 883

GOSL- Annual Debt Portfolio Report - 2020 | Reports | 2021-09-30 20:56:09
The main objective of Saint Lucia's public debt management is to meet Government financing requirements at a minimum cost with a prudent degree of risk. In keeping with this objective, the Ministry of Finance, Economic Growth, Job Creation, External Affairs and Public Service is committed to pursuing a debt management strategy aimed at fulfilling this objective. The Debt and Investment Unit (DIU) is the Government of Saint Lucia's (GoSL) primary agent responsible for managing its public debt portfolio.
Filename: Debt-Portfolio-Review-2020_SLU.pdf | Size: 878.42 KB
Downloads: 892

Consolidated Procurement Plan for the Period April 2022- March 2023
Filename: Consolidated-Procurment-Plan-2022---2023-Finalized.xls | Size: 67.00 KB
Downloads: 595

Annual Debt Portfolio Report - 2022 | Reports | 2023-07-07 14:17:16
This issue of the Annual Debt Portfolio Review (DPR) analyses the Government of Saint Lucia's debt stock, flows, and risk over the year (January - December) of 2022, debt management operations in 2022, and trend analysis of portfolio changes comparing the previous five years 2018-2022
Filename: Debt-Portfolio-Review-2022.pdf | Size: 1.08 MB
Downloads: 802

The MTDS articulates the borrowing activities of the Debt and Investment Management Unit (DIU) during the fiscal year 2022/23, considering the main risks embedded in the debt portfolio and the effects that the issuance choices will have on the portfolio composition. It is an opportune time to be deliberate in our approach to planning and strategizing the medium-term debt management program and the fiscal and macro-economic programs.
Filename: 2023-2026-SLU-MTDS-updated.pdf | Size: 1.02 MB
Downloads: 493

Quarterly Debt Bulletin - September 2023 | Reports | 2024-04-17 09:14:05
This public debt statistical bulletin issue provides a statistical overview of the public debt portfolio for the third quarter (July - September) of 2023, contrasting the current quarter with the previous four quarters. The scope of the public debt bulletin is central government debt and government-guaranteed debt.
Filename: Debt-Bulletin-September-2023.pdf | Size: 735.43 KB
Downloads: 353

Quarterly Debt Bulletin - December 2023 | Reports | 2024-04-17 09:15:18
This public debt statistical bulletin issue provides a statistical overview of the public debt portfolio for the fourth quarter (October - December) of 2023, contrasting the current quarter with the previous four quarters. The scope of the public debt bulletin is central government debt and government-guaranteed debt.
Filename: Debt-Bulletin-December-2023.pdf | Size: 747.54 KB
Downloads: 352

The NCPC is driving a transformative approach to enhance public sector delivery by leveraging the symbiotic relationship between AI, productivity, and competitiveness. This effort aims to streamline processes, optimize resource allocation, and enable data-driven decision-making. A key initiative in this drive is the implementation of Info Cloudsuite, an advanced AI-powered solution designed to manage Human Resources, Finance, and Budgeting functions across the government service.
Filename: The-Department-of-Finance-implements-an-AI-powered-solution-to-transform-Government-operations.doc | Size: 158.50 KB
Downloads: 119