
Budget Statement 2012 : Building Opportunities for our Common Future
Mr. Speaker, I am honoured today, to address this esteemed House of Assembly, and by extension the people of Saint Lucia, within our shores and throughout the Diaspora, wherever their enterprise has taken them. This statement on our island's...

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Governor General - Throne Speech 2010
I would have liked to bring you some great news; some glad tiding which would set your world to right. Alas, this is not the case; the world is in turmoil, restless and uncertain.

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A Search For New Resolve and Commitment-Opening of the 54th Meeting of the OECS Authority
I acknowledge with humility and appreciation the congratulations and words of welcome extended to me today and over the last few weeks since my return to office.  Please allow me to reciprocate by welcoming all of you who are visiting our shores,...

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Address by Honourable Stephenson King, at the Workshop for the Establishment of an NCPC
The means by which international competitiveness can be achieved, occupies the minds of policy makers everywhere, in both the public and private sectors.   The vagaries of the world economy, particularly the extent of recent economic and...

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Managing for Development Results (MfDR) and PRODEV Evaluation Tool (PET) Validation
It gives me great pleasure to welcome you to this important workshop on “Managing for Development Results (MfDR)”, which, aptly, we have embarked upon at a critical time in our economic life.  In the wake of the worst recession and the most...

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Prime Minister Presents 2011-2012 Budget Address
The Prime Minister and Minister for Finance, Economic Affairs and National Development, Honourable Stephenson King, delivered the 2011/2012 Budget Address on Thursday, April 14, 2011.  The theme for this year's address is: "Creating a Safe and...

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Saint Lucia Disaster Relief Fund : Hurricane Tomas
On October 30th 2010, Hurricane Tomas swept through Saint Lucia leaving behind unprecedented damage to the physical, social and economic infrastructure of the island. This is by far one of the worst disasters to have struck this nation with...

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Medium-term Development & Strategic Plan
Over the past few years the Government of Saint Lucia has been paving the way for the development of a Medium-term Development and Strategic Plan. Such an initiative is aimed at improving public sector management as one component of the...

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New National Hospital
  The overall objective of the project, in part, is to improve the overall access and quality of health services available at hospital level to the rural population for promotion of good health for enhancement of productivity, employability and...

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