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3 Ways To File Your Taxes | General Information | 2017-03-24 09:44:42
3 Ways To File Your Taxes
Filename: 3_Ways_to_File_flyer.pdf | Size: 400.05 KB
Downloads: 1805

Labour Market Survey 2017 | General Information | 2017-04-04 08:35:32
Labour Market Survey 2017
Filename: Centeral-Statistics-Press-Release.pdf | Size: 465.96 KB
Downloads: 1012

Regional Government Securities Market[RGSM] Proposed Schedule of Securities for Calendar Year 2017
Filename: ECCBLIB-#427199-v83-RDCC__Regional_Calendar_of_Issues_for_Publication_June_2017.pdf | Size: 64.36 KB
Downloads: 1011

Throne Speech by Her Excellency Dame Calliopa Pearlette Louisy Building a New Saint Lucia [April 25, 2017]
Filename: throne-speech-2017-building-a-new-saint-lucia.pdf | Size: 104.99 KB
Downloads: 1376

Price Adjustment Matrix - July 24 2017 | General Information | 2017-07-24 09:28:18
Fuel Price Adjustments Effective Monday July 24th, 2017
Filename: Price-Adjustment-Matrix;-July-24,-2017.pdf | Size: 404.98 KB
Downloads: 1291

Fuel Prices as at October 16, 2017 | General Information | 2017-10-17 09:28:07
Fuel Prices as at October 16, 2017
Filename: Fuel-Price-Matrix---October-16-2017.pdf | Size: 501.12 KB
Downloads: 1604

Peynier Street is a major thoroughfare in the Castries Central Business District (CBD). A oneway street, it runs from East to West, intersecting with Brazil Street, Micoud Street and Jeremie Street, and links to the John Compton Highway soon after its intersection with Jeremie Street. Peynier Street also branches off into streets such as High Street, and St. Louis Street. Lining Peynier Street are buildings such as the House of Parliament, the High Court (currently not in use), the Family Court and the Office of the Mayor of Castries and City Hall. The street is also home to two (2) blocks of housing apartments (L & S), which form part of the larger housing complex in Central Castries, commonly referred to as the CDCs. Constitution Park, a popular area where mainly middle aged and elderly men congregate and which is also a popular site for anti-government protests, because of its close proximity to the Parliament, is also along that street. Peynier Street has sidewalks on either side, which facilitate the movement of pedestrians. Consultations with vendors and min-bus drivers who spend a considerable amount of time plying their trade from the sidewalks reveal that due to a number of defects, the sidewalks pose a danger to pedestrians generally, but more specifically to the elderly, pregnant women and women carrying babies who regularly slip and fall particularly when the sidewalks are wet. Hence, they welcome the improvement to the sidewalks. The estimated cost for this sidewalk improvements is USD186, 000 equivalent to XCD 500,005.20.
Filename: Abbreviated-Resettlement-Action-Plan---Peynier-Street,-Castries-(UPDATED)BH.pdf | Size: 4.12 MB
Downloads: 1051

The Government of St. Lucia (GOSL) has secured financing under the Disaster Vulnerability Reduction Project (DVRP) from the International Development Association and the Climate Investment Fund to reinstate the road and to incorporate climate change adaptation measures wherever possible, with a view towards upgrading and providing a more resilient roadway infrastructure to service the communities. The Disaster Vulnerability Reduction Project aims to measurably reduce the Country’s vulnerability to natural hazards and climate change impacts, and includes various activities related to institutional strengthening and training as well as the execution of various civil works to improve the resilience, preparedness, and response capacity of Saint Lucia to natural hazards. The proposed road project falls under Component 1; Risk Reduction and Adaption Measures of the DVRP which includes financing for the reconstruction and retrofitting of public infrastructure including roads. The Government of Saint Lucia (GOSL) through the Department of Infrastructure, Ports, and Energy (DIPE) will undertake this rehabilitation and reconstruction project spanning a 12 month construction period.
Filename: ESIA--Anse-La-Ray-Venus-Road.pdf | Size: 33.34 MB
Downloads: 4280

Article 239 of the treaty of Chaguaramas requires member states to elaborate a protocol relating to government procurement. The Community Protocol on Public Procurement was approved by the Conference of Heads of Government at its 30th Inter- Sessional Meeting held in St. Kitts and Nevis in February 2019. Member states are now required to sign the declaration of provisional application. The Government of Saint Lucia has passed procurement legislation which is in harmony with the provisions of the CARICOM protocol hence there are no onerous requirements associated with adopting the provisions of this protocol. The public is invited to view the protocol and procurement stakeholders are to be advised of its provisions. Concerns and queries on this Protocol can be addressed to
Filename: cari-procure.pdf | Size: 264.35 KB
Downloads: 1269

The Community Protocol on Public Procurement identified a number of areas where common rules, standards, norms and guidelines should be established to improve efficiency and transparency in public procurement in the Community.
Filename: Att.-I-to-Item-4---Framework-Rules-and-Procedure.pdf | Size: 290.29 KB
Downloads: 634

THE PUBLIC PROCUREMENT MANUAL | General Information | 2022-03-24 15:52:14
The Revised Treaty of Chaguaramas establishing the Caribbean Community including the CARICOM Single Market and Economy was signed by the Heads of Government of the Caribbean Community on July 5, 2001. The Revised Treaty provides overarching justification for the establishment and implementation of a regional Public Procurement regime. In Article 239 of the Revised Treaty Member States agreed to “elaborate a Protocol relatinginter alia to government procurement”.
Filename: Procurement-Manual-v.-4-28.09---Revised-Version-2020----Rev-2-(95-Spec-COTED).pdf | Size: 663.46 KB
Downloads: 844

ENVIRONMENTAL AND SOCIAL COMMITMENT PLAN (ESCP) | General Information | 2022-04-19 16:35:56
Saint Lucia shall implement the OECS Data for Decision Making Project (the Project), with the involvement of its Ministry for Finance, Economic Development and the Youth Economy (MoFED). The International Development Association (hereinafter referred to as the Association), has agreed to provide financing for the Project.
Filename: Saint-Lucia-negotiated-ESCP---OECS-DDM-P174986-(April-7-2022).pdf | Size: 221.47 KB
Downloads: 572

Draft Public Procurement Regulations 2021 Revised February 23 2022 | General Information | 2023-03-15 10:41:16
Filename: Draft_Public_Procurement_Regulations_2021_Revised_February_23_2022[1].pdf | Size: 1.17 MB
Downloads: 692

PROCUREMENT PLANS MASTER SHEET | General Information | 2023-03-15 10:42:57
Filename: PROCUREMENT_PLANS_MASTER_SHEET[1].pdf | Size: 803.65 KB
Downloads: 672

PROCUREMENT PLANS MASTER SHEET | General Information | 2023-03-15 10:43:00
Filename: PROCUREMENT_PLANS_MASTER_SHEET[1].pdf | Size: 803.65 KB
Downloads: 304

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