
Title Category Procedure Status Agency Published
Procurement of Additional Ground Covers for Farmers Award of Contracts Open Open - 21/11/2025 UBEC 21/11/2024
Construction of Equipment Shed for Agricultural Engineering Services for the Ministry of Agriculture Award of Contracts Open Open - 21/10/2025 UBEC 21/10/2024
Procurement of Banana Spray Oil for the Ministry of Agriculture General Procurement Notices Open Open - 16/10/2025 UBEC 16/10/2024
Procurement of Banana Bunch Covers for the Ministry of Agriculture Award of Contracts Open Open - 16/10/2025 UBEC 16/10/2024
Procurement of Fungicides for the Ministry of Agriculture Award of Contracts Open Open - 16/10/2025 UBEC 16/10/2024
SURVEY OF LIVING CONDITIONS – HOUSEHOLD BUDGET SURVEY (SLC-HBS) Request for Expressions of Interest Open Open - 01/10/2025 V Badal PIU OECS 01/10/2024
Procurement of a Vehicle for PIU General Procurement Notices Open Open - 26/09/2025 Ministry of Tourism and Civil Aviation 26/09/2024
Procurement of Small Farm Equipment for the Ministry of Agriculture Award of Contracts Open Open - 19/09/2025 Ministry of Tourism and Civil Aviation 19/09/2024
Procurement of Farming Equipment for the Ministry of Agriculture Award of Contracts Open Open - 14/08/2025 UBEC 14/08/2024
Procurement of Potting Bags for the Ministry of Agriculture Award of Contracts Open Open - 28/06/2025 UBEC 28/06/2024