
Title Category Procedure Status Agency Published
Procurement of Limestone to Support Farmers for the Ministry of Agriculture Award of Contracts Open Open - 28/06/2025 UBEC 28/06/2024
Procurement of Ground Cover for the Ministry of Agriculture Award of Contracts Open Open - 28/06/2025 UBEC 28/06/2024
AGRONOMIC PRACTICES OF COCOA PRODUCTION Request for Expressions of Interest Open Open - 25/06/2025 Ministry of Agriculture 25/06/2024
AGRO-PROCESSING OF COCOA INTO VALUE-ADDED PRODUCTS Request for Expressions of Interest Open Open - 25/06/2025 Ministry of Agriculture 25/06/2024
FERMENTATION, DRYING AND STORAGE OF COCOA Request for Expressions of Interest Open Open - 18/06/2025 Ministry of Agriculture 25/06/2024
Consultancy service to implement the Abbreviated Resettlement Action Plan (A-RAP) Award of Contracts Open Open - 13/05/2025 Ministry of Infrastructure, Ports, Physical Development and Urban Renewal 13/05/2024
Procurement of Herbicides for Farmers and the Ministry of Agriculture Award of Contracts Open Open - 12/04/2025 Ministry of Tourism and Civil Aviation 12/04/2024
Consultancy for Quality Improvement Training and Mentorship Award of Contracts Open Open - 27/03/2025 Project Implementation Unit - Department of Health 27/03/2024
Consulting Services-Livestock Technical Officer Award of Contracts Open Open - 21/03/2025 UBEC 21/03/2024
Consulting Services-Fisheries Technical Officer Award of Contracts Open Open - 21/03/2025 UBEC 21/03/2024