Saint Lucia is a Small Island Developing State (SIDS) which faces many development
challenges that include limited geographic space; an open, vulnerable economy; fragile
ecosystems; limited human and institutional capacity; and vulnerability to natural phenomena,
such as extreme weather, epidemics and pandemics. The onset of climate change has increased
the frequency with which hydrometeorological climatic events occur with two extreme events
(Hurricane Tomas, October 2010, and the Christmas Eve Trough, December 2013) striking the
island within the last ten years and has also increased certain health threats.
Saint Lucia developed a Strategic Programme for Climate Resilience (SPCR), funded by the
Pilot Programme for Climate Resilience (PPCR), which is currently being implemented. Saint
Lucia’s strategic programme areas are closely interwoven with the broader fabric of disaster risk
reduction (DRR). Thus, co-financing under the PPCR is being achieved through a synergistic
blend, with financial resources made available under the national and regional components of the
Disaster Vulnerability Reduction Project (DVRP) which allows for up-scaling SPCR
implementation activities. Two major outcomes expected from Saint Lucia’s DVRP include: 1)
capacity built to identify and monitor climate risk at the national level; and, 2) reduced
vulnerability of key sectors, assets and people to natural disasters 1 .
The Department of Economic Development, Transport and Civil Aviation is responsible for the
implementation of the DVRP while the Department of Sustainable Development and the
Department of Infrastructure, Ports and Energy (DIPE) provide technical support towards
implementation of the Project. The Project Coordination Unit (PCU) is responsible for the
fiduciary aspects of the Project.
This is to provide for public finance management, for the
establishment of a Contingencies Fund, Sinking Fund, special fund or
trust fund, the execution of appropriations, the oversight of statutory
bodies and for related matters.
AN ACT to provide for public finance management, for the
establishment of a Contingencies Fund, Sinking Fund, special fund or
trust fund, the execution of appropriations, the oversight of statutory
bodies and for related matters.
The Department of Finance is preparing for the implementation of the Procurement and
Asset Disposal Act No. 19 of 2015. The Procurement & Asset Disposal Act will repeal
the Procurement and Stores Regulations (Statutory Instrument No. 37 of 1997).
Saint Lucia will soon lead the Eastern Caribbean Region with the modernization of government’s Electronic Public Procurement Application (e-GP). The procurement software will make public procurement procedures faster and transparent while improving the competitiveness of public procurement by private sector companies.