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OECS Data for Decision Making project - SOCIAL ASSESSMENT | Special National Projects | 2025-01-20 20:28:53
This social assessment (SA) has been undertaken as part of the OECS Data for Decision Making Project (P174986). The SA aims to assess and identify any gaps within the statistical systems in the project’s participating countries’ (Grenada, Saint Lucia and Saint Vincent and Grenadines) National Statistics Organizations (NSOs) and the OECS’ Statistical Services Unit (SSU). The findings from the assessment will be used to inform project design. The information presented in the SA will be used to ensure that the project is able to reduce or eliminate, as much as possible, the existing patterns of social exclusion associated with data collection in the participating countries and the OECS. Furthermore, the findings of the SA will be used in monitoring and evaluation to ensure that the project is achieving its intended outcome.
Filename: Social-Assessment-OECS-Data-for-Decision-Making-P174986.pdf | Size: 505.58 KB
Downloads: 76

Quarterly debt Bulleting - Sept 2024 | Publications | 2024-12-02 05:57:06
The Debt and Investment Management Unit (DIU) in the Ministry of Finance, Economic Development, and Youth Economy is the Government of Saint Lucia's primary agent responsible for managing Saint Lucia's public debt. The dissemination of timely, consistent, comprehensive, and reliable public debt statistics represents a vital element of the government's commitment to promoting accountability and transparency in debt management activities.
Filename: September-2024-Debt-Bulletin.pdf | Size: 953.73 KB
Downloads: 144

The NCPC is driving a transformative approach to enhance public sector delivery by leveraging the symbiotic relationship between AI, productivity, and competitiveness. This effort aims to streamline processes, optimize resource allocation, and enable data-driven decision-making. A key initiative in this drive is the implementation of Info Cloudsuite, an advanced AI-powered solution designed to manage Human Resources, Finance, and Budgeting functions across the government service.
Filename: The-Department-of-Finance-implements-an-AI-powered-solution-to-transform-Government-operations.doc | Size: 158.50 KB
Downloads: 114

The Health System Strengthening Project (HSSP) is one of the most recent initiatives forged out of a partnership with the Government of Saint Lucia and the World Bank Group. The aim of the project is to improve the accessibility, efficiency, and responsiveness of healthcare delivery in Saint Lucia to its population. Improvement of the island’s healthcare sector has been a long-standing priority for the Government of Saint Lucia (GoSL), however the high prevalence of non-communicable diseases coupled with the continuing threat of highly infectious diseases such as Coronavirus (COVID-19) and dengue have highlighted the demand for a heightened momentum to this commitment.
Filename: Environmental-and-Social-Management-Plan-Babonneau-.pdf | Size: 2.36 MB
Downloads: 141

The Ministry of Health Wellness and Elderly Affairs (MOHWEA) indicates that Saint Lucia’s health sector Radio Communication System (RCS) was installed and commissioned in 2020. The National Emergency Management Organisation (NEMO) provided technical support for the conventional Land Mobile Radio’s (LMR) procurement and installation. The design was deficient, the installed network did not deliver the intended services, and there were budgetary and other build-out challenges. Hence, the MoHWEA is utilizing funds under the HSSP to undertake an upgrade to the system.
Filename: Envir-Social-Codes-of-Practice-Procurement-and-Installation-of-Radio-Communication-Equipment.pdf | Size: 1,016.45 KB
Downloads: 180

Insolvency Legislation | Legal Instruments | 2024-09-18 15:53:36
The Parliament of Saint Lucia has finally passed the Insolvency Legislation, which has been in the making for the past 10 years. This legislation will modernize the credit sector in Saint Lucia and provide protection and benefits for both creditors and debtors.
Filename: Insolvency-legislation-.jpg | Size: 118.59 KB
Downloads: 238

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