The proposed project, the development of Gros-Islet Beach Park has its origins in consultations held during
The Caribbean Local Economic Development Project (CARILED), a six-year project (2012-2017) aimed at
developing and testing models of Local Economic Development (LED) across the Caribbean. Following
broad community consultation, the development of the Gros Islet Park was part of a wider integrated
project (other components included the construction of a boardwalk along the coast where vendors could
set up vending stalls, improvements to the jetty and the installation of buoys to encourage more yachts
docking in the Gros Islet Bay) in the town of Gros Islet focusing on the creation of sustainable employment,
especially for youth in the community. Although there was buy-in for the project, the funds for
construction were not provided under the CARILED project and the Gros Islet Constituency Council was
left to source funds from alternative sources for physical implementation. For this reason, the
Parliamentary Representative for Gros-Islet through the Gros Islet Constituency Council has taken the
opportunity to construct the project under the ORTCP.